List of Rivers of Ivory Coast


This list contains 35 rivers of Ivory Coast.
Name Sl. No River Name Abba 1 Cestos River (Nuoun River) Abercrombie 2 Cavalla River Aberfeldy 3 Nono River Aberfoyle 4 San-Pédro River Abington Creek 5 Sassandra River Acheron 6 Davo River Ada (Baw Baw) 7 Lobo River Ada (East Gippsland) 8 Nzo River Adams 9 Bafing River (Gouan River) Adcock 10 Boa River Adelaide River 11 Férédougouba River (Bagbé River) Adelong Creek 12 Tienba River Adjungbilly Creek 13 Boubo River Agnes 14 Bandama River Aire 15 Nzi River Albert 16 Marahoué River (Bandama Rouge) Albert 17 Kan River Alexander 18 Bou River Alice 19 Solomougou River Alligator Rivers 20 Agnéby River Allyn 21 Komoé River Anacotilla 22 Ba River (Bayakokoré River) Andrew 23 Kongo River Angas 24 Iringou River Angelo 25 Léraba River Anglesea 26 Bia River Angove 27 Tano River Annan 28 Black Volta Anne 29 Niger River (Mali) Anthony 30 Bani River (Mali) Apsley 31 Bagoé River Apsley 32 Kankélaba River (Mahandiani River) Araluen Creek 33 Baoulé River Archer 34 Dégou River Arm 35 Sankarani River Armanda Western Australia 36 Arrowsmith Western Australia 37 Arte Victoria 38 Arthur Tasmania 39 Arthur Western Australia 40 Arve Tasmania 41 Ashburton Western Australia 42 Avoca Victoria 43 Avon Western Australia 44 Avon (Gippsland) Victoria 45 Avon (Grampians) Victoria 46 Avon (source in Mid-Coast Council LGA) New South Wales 47 Avon (source in Wollongong LGA) New South Wales 48 Back (source in Cooma-Monaro LGA) New South Wales 49 Back (source in Tamworth Regional LGA) New South Wales 50 Back Creek (source in Richmond Valley LGA) New South Wales 51 Badger Tasmania 52 Baerami Creek New South Wales 53 Baffle Creek Queensland 54 Bakers Creek New South Wales 55 Balgalal Creek New South Wales 56 Balgarup Western Australia 57 Balla Balla Western Australia 58 Balonne Queensland 59 Banksia Creek Queensland 60 Bannister Western Australia 61 Barcoo Queensland 62 Barcoongere New South Wales 63 Bargo New South Wales 64 Barham Victoria 65 Barigan Creek New South Wales 66 Barker Western Australia 67 Barkly Victoria 68 Barmedman Creek New South Wales 69 Barnard New South Wales 70 Barnett Western Australia 71 Barratta Creek Queensland 72 Barrington New South Wales 73 Barron Queensland 74 Barton Western Australia 75 Barwon New South Wales 76 Barwon Queensland 77 Barwon Victoria 78 Basalt Queensland 79 Bass Victoria 80 Beardy New South Wales 81 Beardy Waters New South Wales 82 Beasley Western Australia 83 Beaufort Western Australia 84 Beaury Creek New South Wales 85 Bedford Creek New South Wales 86 Bega New South Wales 87 Behn Western Australia 88 Bell New South Wales 89 Bellinger New South Wales 90 Belubula New South Wales 91 Belyando Queensland 92 Bemboka New South Wales 93 Bemm Victoria 94 Bendoc New South Wales 95 Bendoc Victoria 96 Benedore Victoria 97 Berckelman Western Australia 98 Berkeley Western Australia 99 Bermagui New South Wales 100 Berrima Victoria 101 Berthong Creek New South Wales 102 Betka Victoria 103 Bettowynd Creek New South Wales 104 Bielsdown New South Wales 105 Big (Brodribb) Victoria 106 Big (Goulburn) Victoria 107 Big (Mitta Mitta) Victoria 108 Big Badja New South Wales 109 Billabong Creek New South Wales 110 Bimberamala New South Wales 111 Birrie New South Wales 112 Black Queensland 113 Black Tasmania 114 Black Victoria 115 Black Bobs Rivulet Tasmania 116 Blackman Tasmania 117 Blackmore River Northern Territory 118 Blackwater Creek New South Wales 119 Blackwood Western Australia 120 Blakney Creek New South Wales 121 Bland Creek New South Wales 122 Blicks New South Wales 123 Bloomfield Queensland 124 Blue Mountain Creek New South Wales 125 Bluff New South Wales 126 Blyth River Northern Territory 127 Blythe Tasmania 128 Bobin Creek New South Wales 129 Bobo New South Wales 130 Bogan New South Wales 131 Bohle Queensland 132 Bokhara New South Wales 133 Bokhara Queensland 134 Bolong New South Wales 135 Bombala New South Wales 136 Bonang Victoria 137 Boomi New South Wales 138 Boomi Queensland 139 Boonoo Boonoo New South Wales 140 Boorowa New South Wales 141 Boundary Creek New South Wales (source in Richmond Valley LGA, a tributary of the Glen Fernaigh River) 142 Boundary Creek New South Wales (source in Richmond Valley LGA, a tributary of the Nymboida River) 143 Bow New South Wales 144 Bow (northern Western Australia) Western Australia 145 Bow (southern Western Australia) Western Australia 146 Bowen Queensland 147 Bowes Western Australia 148 Bowman New South Wales 149 Bowning Creek New South Wales 150 Boyd New South Wales 151 Boyd Tasmania 152 Boyne (Central Queensland) Queensland 153 Boyne (Wide Bay–Burnett) Queensland 154 Break O'Day Tasmania 155 Breakneck South Australia 156 Bream Creek Tasmania 157 Bredbo New South Wales 158 Bremer Queensland 159 Bremer South Australia 160 Bremer Western Australia 161 Brisbane Queensland 162 Broad Tasmania 163 Brockman Western Australia 164 Brodribb Victoria 165 Brogo New South Wales 166 Broken Queensland 167 Broken Victoria 168 Broughton South Australia 169 Browns Tasmania 170 Brunswick New South Wales 171 Brunswick Western Australia 172 Buayanyup Western Australia 173 Buchan Victoria 174 Buchanan Western Australia 175 Buckenbowra New South Wales 176 Buckingham River Northern Territory 177 Buckland Victoria 178 Buffalo Victoria 179 Bulimba Creek Queensland 180 Bulla Creek New South Wales 181 Buller Western Australia 182 Bundara Victoria 183 Bundock Creek New South Wales 184 Bungala South Australia 185 Bungil Creek Queensland 186 Bunnoo New South Wales 187 Bunyip Victoria 188 Burdekin Queensland 189 Burke New South Wales 190 Burke Queensland 191 Burkes Creek New South Wales 192 Burnett Queensland 193 Burns Creek New South Wales 194 Burra Creek (source in Gundagai LGA) New South Wales 195 Burra Creek (source in Palerang LGA) New South Wales 196 Burrum Queensland 197 Burrungubugge New South Wales 198 Bylong New South Wales 199 Caboolture Queensland 200 Cadiangullong Creek New South Wales 201 Calder Victoria 202 Calder Western Australia 203 Caledonia Victoria 204 Calliope Queensland 205 Calvert River Northern Territory 206 Cam Tasmania 207 Camden Haven New South Wales 208 Campaspe Queensland 209 Campaspe Victoria 210 Campbells New South Wales 211 Cane Western Australia 212 Cann Victoria 213 Cann River East Victoria 214 Canning Western Australia 215 Caparra Creek New South Wales 216 Capel Western Australia 217 Capertee New South Wales 218 Carbunup Western Australia 219 Carlisle Victoria 220 Carole Creek New South Wales 221 Carpentier Queensland 222 Carson Western Australia 223 Cascade Tasmania 224 Castlereagh New South Wales 225 Cataract (source in Tenterfield LGA) New South Wales 226 Cataract (source in Wollondilly LGA) New South Wales 227 Catherine Victoria 228 Cattle Creek New South Wales 229 Cedar Creek New South Wales 230 Cedar Party Creek New South Wales 231 Cells New South Wales 232 Chamberlain Western Australia 233 Chandler New South Wales 234 Chandlers Creek New South Wales 235 Chapman South Australia 236 Chapman Western Australia 237 Charnley Western Australia 238 Cheshire Creek New South Wales 239 Chetwynd Victoria 240 Chichester New South Wales 241 Christmas Creek New South Wales 242 Clara Queensland 243 Clarence New South Wales 244 Cliffdale Creek Queensland 245 Clouds Creek New South Wales 246 Clyde New South Wales 247 Clyde Tasmania 248 Coal River Tasmania 249 Cobark New South Wales 250 Cobrabald New South Wales 251 Cobungra Victoria 252 Cockburn New South Wales 253 Cockle Tasmania 254 Coen Queensland 255 Coldstream New South Wales 256 Coleman Queensland 257 Coliban Victoria 258 Collie Western Australia 259 Collingwood Tasmania 260 Colo New South Wales 261 Combienbar Victoria 262 Comet Queensland 263 Commissioners Waters New South Wales 264 Condamine Queensland 265 Congeratinga South Australia 266 Congewai Creek New South Wales 267 Connollys Creek New South Wales 268 Cooba Bulga Stream New South Wales 269 Cooks New South Wales 270 Cooks Vale Creek New South Wales 271 Coolaburragundy New South Wales 272 Coolibah Watercourse New South Wales 273 Coolongolook New South Wales 274 Coolumbooka New South Wales 275 Cooma Back Creek New South Wales 276 Cooma Creek New South Wales 277 Coomera Queensland 278 Coongan Western Australia 279 Cooper Creek Queensland 280 Coopers Creek New South Wales 281 Cooplacurripa New South Wales 282 Coorongooba Creek New South Wales 283 Corang New South Wales 284 Cordeaux New South Wales 285 Corindi New South Wales 286 Cotter Australian Capital Territory 287 Cowriga Creek New South Wales 288 Coxs New South Wales 289 Cracroft Tasmania 290 Crawford New South Wales 291 Crawford Victoria 292 Crayfish Tasmania 293 Crooked Victoria 294 Crookwell New South Wales 295 Crudine New South Wales 296 Crystal Brook South Australia 297 Crystal Creek Queensland 298 Cudgegong New South Wales 299 Culgoa New South Wales 300 Culgoa Queensland 301 Cullinga Creek New South Wales 302 Cumberland Victoria 303 Cunningham Creek New South Wales 304 Curdies Victoria 305 Curricabark New South Wales 306 Currumbin Creek Queensland 307 Cygnet South Australia 308 Daintree Queensland 309 Dale Western Australia 310 Daly River Northern Territory 311 Dalyup Western Australia 312 Dandalup Western Australia 313 Dandongadale Victoria 314 Darby Victoria 315 Dargo Victoria 316 Darling New South Wales 317 Dart Victoria 318 Davey Tasmania 319 Dawson New South Wales 320 Dawson Queensland 321 De Grey Western Australia 322 Deddick Victoria 323 Dee Queensland 324 Dee River Tasmania 325 Deep Western Australia 326 Deepwater New South Wales 327 Delatite Victoria 328 Delegate New South Wales 329 Delegate Victoria 330 Denison Tasmania 331 Denmark Western Australia 332 Derringullen Creek New South Wales 333 Derwent Tasmania 334 Deua New South Wales 335 Diamantina Queensland 336 Diamantina South Australia 337 Dilgry New South Wales 338 Dingo Creek New South Wales 339 Don Queensland 340 Don Tasmania 341 Don Victoria 342 Donaldson Tasmania 343 Donnelly Western Australia 344 Doubtful Creek New South Wales 345 Douglas River Northern Territory 346 Dover Tasmania 347 Doyles New South Wales 348 Dry New South Wales 349 Dry Victoria 350 Dry River Northern Territory 351 Drysdale Western Australia 352 Du Faur Creek New South Wales 353 Ducie Queensland 354 Duck Tasmania 355 Duckmaloi New South Wales 356 Dumaresq New South Wales 357 Dumaresq Queensland 358 Dundas Victoria 359 Dungowan Creek New South Wales 360 Dunham Western Australia 361 Durack Western Australia 362 Dyke New South Wales 363 East Alligator Northern Territory 364 Eden Creek New South Wales 365 Edmund Western Australia 366 Edward New South Wales 367 Edward Queensland 368 Eleanor South Australia 369 Elizabeth Tasmania 370 Elizabeth River Northern Territory 371 Ellenborough New South Wales 372 Elliott Queensland 373 Elliott Victoria 374 Elvire Western Australia 375 Embley Queensland 376 Emu Tasmania 377 Emu Swamp Creek New South Wales 378 Endeavour Queensland 379 Endrick New South Wales 380 Enoggera Creek Queensland 381 Eprapah Creek Queensland 382 Ernest Western Australia 383 Errinundra Victoria 384 Erskine Creek New South Wales 385 Esk New South Wales 386 Esk Queensland 387 Esperance River Tasmania 388 Eucumbene New South Wales 389 Eumeralla Victoria 390 Evans New South Wales 391 Evans Plains Creek New South Wales 392 Ewenmar Creek New South Wales 393 Eyre Western Australia 394 Felled Timber Creek New South Wales 395 Ferguson Western Australia 396 Field South Australia 397 Finke South Australia 398 Finke River Northern Territory 399 Finniss South Australia 400 Fish New South Wales 401 Fish River Northern Territory 402 Fitzgerald Western Australia 403 Fitzmaurice River Northern Territory 404 Fitzroy Queensland 405 Fitzroy Victoria 406 Fitzroy Western Australia 407 Flinders Queensland 408 Florentine River Tasmania 409 Flyers Creek New South Wales 410 Forbes New South Wales 411 Ford Victoria 412 Forrest Western Australia 413 Fortescue Western Australia 414 Forth Tasmania 415 Frankland Western Australia 416 Franklin Tasmania 417 Franklin Victoria 418 Fraser Western Australia 419 Frazers Creek New South Wales 420 Frederick Western Australia 421 Frenchmans Creek New South Wales 422 Frome South Australia 423 Gairdner (northern Western Australia) Western Australia 424 Gairdner (southern Western Australia) Western Australia 425 Gara New South Wales 426 Gascoyne Western Australia 427 Gawler South Australia 428 Geary Victoria 429 Geehi New South Wales 430 Gellibrand Victoria 431 Genoa New South Wales 432 Genoa Victoria 433 Georges New South Wales 434 Georges Creek New South Wales 435 Georgina Queensland 436 Georgina South Australia 437 Georgina River Northern Territory 438 Gibb Western Australia 439 Gibbo Victoria 440 Gilbert South Australia 441 Gilbert-Einasleigh Queensland 442 Gilliat Queensland 443 Glen Fernaigh New South Wales 444 Glenelg South Australia 445 Glenelg Victoria 446 Glenelg Western Australia 447 Gloucester New South Wales 448 Goobarragandra New South Wales 449 Goodga Western Australia 450 Goodradigbee New South Wales 451 Goolengook Victoria 452 Goomadeer River Northern Territory 453 Goorudee Rivulet New South Wales 454 Gordon Tasmania 455 Gordon Western Australia 456 Goromuru River Northern Territory 457 Goulburn New South Wales 458 Goulburn Victoria 459 Goyder River Northern Territory 460 Great Darling Anabranch New South Wales 461 Great Forester Tasmania 462 Greenough Western Australia 463 Gregory Queensland 464 Gregory River Northern Territory 465 Grey Victoria 466 Grose New South Wales 467 Growee New South Wales 468 Gudgenby Australian Capital Territory 469 Gungarlin New South Wales 470 Gunningbland Creek New South Wales 471 Guy Fawkes New South Wales 472 Gwydir New South Wales 473 Hacking New South Wales 474 Hale River Northern Territory 475 Halls Creek New South Wales 476 Hamersley Western Australia 477 Hann Queensland 478 Hann Western Australia 479 Happy Jacks Creek New South Wales 480 Hardey Western Australia 481 Harding Western Australia 482 Harriet South Australia 483 Hartland Victoria 484 Harvey Western Australia 485 Hastings New South Wales 486 Haughton Queensland 487 Hawkesbury New South Wales 488 Hay Western Australia 489 Hay River Northern Territory 490 Helena Western Australia 491 Hellyer Tasmania 492 Henry New South Wales 493 Henry Western Australia 494 Henty Tasmania 495 Herbert Queensland 496 Hill South Australia 497 Hill Western Australia 498 Hindmarsh South Australia 499 Hobart Tasmania 500 Hollanders New South Wales 501 Holley Tasmania 502 Holroyd Queensland 503 Hope Western Australia 504 Hopkins Victoria 505 Horsearm Creek New South Wales 506 Horton New South Wales 507 Hotham Western Australia 508 Howqua Victoria 509 Humffray Victoria 510 Hunter New South Wales 511 Hunter Western Australia 512 Huon Tasmania 513 Hutt South Australia 514 Hutt River Western Australia 515 Imlay Creek New South Wales 516 Impey Western Australia 517 Ingeegoodbee New South Wales 518 Ingeegoodbee Victoria 519 Inglis Tasmania 520 Inman South Australia 521 Irwin Western Australia 522 Isaac Queensland 523 Isabella New South Wales 524 Isdell Western Australia 525 Isis New South Wales 526 Isis Queensland 527 Isis Tasmania 528 Ithaca Creek Queensland 529 Jack (East Gippsland) Victoria 530 Jack (Wellington) Victoria 531 Jackey Jackey Creek Queensland 532 Jacobs New South Wales 533 James River Tasmania 534 Jamieson Victoria 535 Jane Tasmania 536 Jardine Queensland 537 Jeannie Queensland 538 Jeir Creek New South Wales 539 Jenolan New South Wales 540 Jerdacuttup Western Australia 541 Jerra Jerra Creek New South Wales 542 Jerrabattgulla Creek New South Wales 543 Jerrara Creek New South Wales 544 Jerrawa Creek New South Wales 545 Johanna Victoria 546 Johnson River Northern Territory 547 Johnston Western Australia 548 Johnstone Queensland 549 Jooriland New South Wales 550 Jordan Tasmania 551 Jordan Victoria 552 Jugiong Creek New South Wales 553 Kalang New South Wales 554 Kalgan Western Australia 555 Kanangra Creek New South Wales 556 Kangaroo (source in Clarence Valley LGA) New South Wales 557 Kangaroo (source in Shoalhaven LGA) New South Wales 558 Karuah New South Wales 559 Katherine River Northern Territory 560 Kedron Brook Queensland 561 Kedumba New South Wales 562 Keep River Northern Territory 563 Kendall Queensland 564 Kennet Victoria 565 Kent Western Australia 566 Kerripit New South Wales 567 Kiewa Victoria 568 Kindra Creek New South Wales 569 King Tasmania 570 King Victoria 571 King (northern Western Australia) Western Australia 572 King (southern Western Australia) Western Australia 573 King Edward Western Australia 574 King George Western Australia 575 King River Northern Territory 576 Kolan Queensland 577 Koolatong River Northern Territory 578 Kowmung New South Wales 579 Krui New South Wales 580 Kunderang Brook New South Wales 581 Kybeyan New South Wales 582 Lachlan New South Wales 583 Landor Western Australia 584 Lane Cove New South Wales 585 Lang Lang Victoria 586 Langlo Queensland 587 Lansdowne New South Wales 588 Latrobe Victoria 589 Laur Western Australia 590 Laura Queensland 591 Lea Tasmania 592 Lee Creek New South Wales 593 Leichhardt Queensland 594 Leigh Victoria 595 Lennard Western Australia 596 Lerderderg Victoria 597 Leven Tasmania 598 Leycester Creek New South Wales 599 Liffey Tasmania 600 Light South Australia 601 Limmen Bight River Northern Territory 602 Little (Avon) Victoria 603 Little (Cathedral Range) Victoria 604 Little (Greater Geelong) Victoria 605 Little (Moroka) Victoria 606 Little (Snowy River NP) Victoria 607 Little (source in Dubbo LGA) New South Wales 608 Little (source in Oberon LGA) New South Wales 609 Little (source in Wingecarribee LGA) New South Wales 610 Little (source in Wollondilly LGA) New South Wales 611 Little (Sydenham Inlet) Victoria 612 Little (Tambo) Victoria 613 Little Arte Victoria 614 Little Coliban Victoria 615 Little Dargo Victoria 616 Little Goolengook Victoria 617 Little Murray New South Wales 618 Little Murray Victoria 619 Little Nymboida New South Wales 620 Little Para South Australia 621 Little Plains New South Wales 622 Little Rubicon Victoria 623 Little Run Creek New South Wales 624 Little Swanport Tasmania 625 Little Weir New South Wales 626 Little Yalmy Victoria 627 Little Yarra Victoria 628 Liverpool River Northern Territory 629 Loch Victoria 630 Lockhart Queensland 631 Lockhart Western Australia 632 Lockyer Creek Queensland 633 Loddon Victoria 634 Loders Creek Queensland 635 Logan Queensland 636 Lort Western Australia 637 Ludlow Western Australia 638 Lune Tasmania 639 Lynd Queensland 640 Lyons Western Australia 641 Macalister Victoria 642 Macdonald (source in Singleton LGA) New South Wales 643 Macdonald (source in Tamworth LGA) New South Wales 644 Macintyre New South Wales 645 Mackenzie Queensland 646 MacKenzie Victoria 647 Mackie Western Australia 648 Mackintosh Tasmania 649 Maclaughlin New South Wales 650 Macleay New South Wales 651 Macquarie New South Wales 652 Macquarie Tasmania 653 Macquarie Rivulet New South Wales 654 Macumba South Australia 655 Maitland Western Australia 656 Mammy Johnsons New South Wales 657 Mangrove Creek New South Wales 658 Mann New South Wales 659 Manning New South Wales 660 Maranoa Queensland 661 Margaret (northern Western Australia) Western Australia 662 Margaret (southern Western Australia) Western Australia 663 Maria New South Wales 664 Maribyrnong Victoria 665 Marne South Australia 666 Maroochy Queensland 667 Mary Queensland 668 Mary Western Australia 669 Mary River Northern Territory 670 Maryland New South Wales 671 May Western Australia 672 McArthur River Northern Territory 673 Mcdonald Queensland 674 McKenzie Victoria 675 McRae Western Australia 676 Meander Tasmania 677 Meda Western Australia 678 Medway Rivulet New South Wales 679 Mehi New South Wales 680 Merivale Queensland 681 Meroo New South Wales 682 Merri Victoria 683 Merrica New South Wales 684 Merriwa New South Wales 685 Mersey Tasmania 686 Middle South Australia 687 Middle Creek New South Wales 688 Minilya Western Australia 689 Minnamurra New South Wales 690 Mirrool Creek New South Wales 691 Mission Queensland 692 Mitchell Queensland 693 Mitchell Victoria 694 Mitchell Western Australia 695 Mitta Mitta Victoria 696 Moe Victoria 697 Moggill Creek Queensland 698 Mogo Creek New South Wales 699 Mole New South Wales 700 Molonglo Australian Capital Territory 701 Molonglo New South Wales 702 Mongarlowe New South Wales 703 Mooki New South Wales 704 Mooloolah Queensland 705 Moonan Brook New South Wales 706 Mooney Mooney Creek New South Wales 707 Mooni New South Wales 708 Moonie Queensland 709 Moorabool Victoria 710 Moore Western Australia 711 Moppy New South Wales 712 Moredun Creek New South Wales 713 Moroka Victoria 714 Mortlock Western Australia 715 Moruya New South Wales 716 Morwell Victoria 717 Mossman Queensland 718 Mount Emu Creek Victoria 719 Mowamba New South Wales 720 Moyle River Northern Territory 721 Moyne Victoria 722 Mueller Victoria 723 Mulga Creek New South Wales 724 Mulgrave Queensland 725 Mulla Mulla Creek New South Wales 726 Mulwaree New South Wales 727 Mummel New South Wales 728 Munglinup Western Australia 729 Munmurra New South Wales 730 Murchison Tasmania 731 Murchison Western Australia 732 Murrah New South Wales 733 Murray New South Wales 734 Murray South Australia 735 Murray Victoria 736 Murray Western Australia 737 Murrindal Victoria 738 Murrindindi Victoria 739 Murruin Creek New South Wales 740 Murrumbidgee Australian Capital Territory 741 Murrumbidgee New South Wales 742 Myall New South Wales 743 Myponga South Australia 744 Naas Australian Capital Territory 745 Nadgee New South Wales 746 Nadgigomar Creek New South Wales 747 Nambucca New South Wales 748 Nambung Western Australia 749 Namoi New South Wales 750 Nangahrah Creek New South Wales 751 Narran New South Wales 752 Nattai New South Wales 753 Neales South Australia 754 Negri Western Australia 755 Negri River Northern Territory 756 Nepean New South Wales 757 Nerang Queensland 758 Never Never New South Wales 759 Nicholson Queensland 760 Nicholson Victoria 761 Nicholson Western Australia 762 Nicholson River Northern Territory 763 Niemur New South Wales 764 Nile Tasmania 765 Nive Queensland 766 Nive Tasmania 767 Nogoa Queensland 768 Noosa Queensland 769 Norman Queensland 770 Norman Creek Queensland 771 Normanby Queensland 772 North Esk Tasmania 773 North Para South Australia 774 North Pine Queensland 775 North West South Australia 776 Nowendoc New South Wales 777 Nowlands Creek New South Wales 778 Nullagine Western Australia 779 Nullica New South Wales 780 Numeralla New South Wales 781 Nunnock New South Wales 782 Nymboida New South Wales 783 Oakover Western Australia 784 Oaky New South Wales 785 Oban New South Wales 786 O'Briens Creek New South Wales 787 O'Connell Queensland 788 Oldfield Western Australia 789 Olive Queensland 790 Onkaparinga South Australia 791 Orara New South Wales 792 Ord Western Australia 793 Orroral Australian Capital Territory 794 O'Shannassy Victoria 795 Ourimbah Creek New South Wales 796 Ouse River Tasmania 797 Ovens Victoria 798 Oxley New South Wales 799 Oxley Creek Queensland 800 Paddys Australian Capital Territory 801 Paddys (source in Tumbarumba LGA) New South Wales 802 Paddys (source in Wingecarribee LGA) New South Wales 803 Pages New South Wales 804 Pages Creek New South Wales 805 Pallinup Western Australia 806 Palmer Queensland 807 Palmer River Northern Territory 808 Pambula New South Wales 809 Panton Western Australia 810 Pappinbarra New South Wales 811 Parananacooka South Australia 812 Parker Victoria 813 Parma Creek New South Wales 814 Paroo New South Wales 815 Paroo Queensland 816 Parramatta New South Wales 817 Pascoe Queensland 818 Paterson New South Wales 819 Patterson Victoria 820 Peak New South Wales 821 Peel New South Wales 822 Peel (A Section Of) New South Wales 823 Peelwood Creek New South Wales 824 Pennefather Queensland 825 Pentecost Western Australia 826 Perry Victoria 827 Phillips Western Australia 828 Phils New South Wales 829 Picton Tasmania 830 Pieman Tasmania 831 Pigna Barney New South Wales 832 Pike Creek Queensland 833 Pimpama Queensland 834 Pinch New South Wales 835 Pinchgut Creek New South Wales 836 Pine Queensland 837 Pioneer Queensland 838 Pipers Tasmania 839 Pipers Creek New South Wales 840 Playford River Northern Territory 841 Plenty Victoria 842 Plenty River Northern Territory 843 Pokana Tasmania 844 Port South Australia 845 Powlett Victoria 846 Preston Western Australia 847 Prince Regent Western Australia 848 Proserpine Queensland 849 Pudman Creek New South Wales 850 Queanbeyan Australian Capital Territory 851 Queanbeyan New South Wales 852 Queen Tasmania 853 Queen Charlottes Creek New South Wales 854 Queens Pound New South Wales 855 Queensborough New South Wales 856 Queensborough Victoria 857 Quegobla Creek New South Wales 858 Quirindi Creek New South Wales 859 Ralfes Creek New South Wales 860 Red Victoria 861 Reedy Creek New South Wales 862 Retreat New South Wales 863 Rich Victoria 864 Richardson Victoria 865 Richenda Western Australia 866 Richmond New South Wales 867 Ringarooma Tasmania 868 Ringarooma (Lower) Tasmania 869 River Lett New South Wales 870 Robe Western Australia 871 Robinson Western Australia 872 Robinson River Northern Territory 873 Rock Flat Creek New South Wales 874 Rocky New South Wales 875 Rocky Victoria 876 Rocky (Kangaroo Island) South Australia 877 Rocky (Mid North) South Australia 878 Rocky Ponds Creek New South Wales 879 Rodger Victoria 880 Roe Western Australia 881 Roper River Northern Territory 882 Rose Victoria 883 Rosewood New South Wales 884 Rosie River Northern Territory 885 Ross Queensland 886 Rouchel Brook New South Wales 887 Rous New South Wales 888 Rowleys New South Wales 889 Royston Victoria 890 Rubicon Tasmania 891 Rubicon Victoria 892 Rudall Western Australia 893 Rufus New South Wales 894 Rush Creek New South Wales 895 Russell Queensland 896 Sabina Western Australia 897 Saint Patricks Victoria 898 Sale Western Australia 899 Salt Western Australia 900 Sandon New South Wales 901 Sandover Queensland 902 Sandover River Northern Territory 903 Sandy South Australia 904 Sandy Creek (source in Bland LGA) New South Wales 905 Sandy Creek (source in Cobar LGA) New South Wales 906 Sandy Creek (source in Richmond Valley LGA) New South Wales 907 Sandy Creek (source in Tamworth Regional LGA) New South Wales 908 Sara New South Wales 909 Savage Tasmania 910 Saxby Queensland 911 Serpentine Tasmania 912 Serpentine Western Australia 913 Settlement Creek Northern Territory 914 Settlement Creek Queensland 915 Severn New South Wales 916 Severn Queensland 917 Sewells Creek New South Wales 918 Shannon Western Australia 919 Shannon Brook New South Wales 920 Shannon River Tasmania 921 Shaw Victoria 922 Shaw Western Australia 923 Sherlock Western Australia 924 Shoalhaven New South Wales 925 Siccus South Australia 926 Snowy New South Wales 927 Snowy Victoria 928 Sophia Tasmania 929 South Alligator Northern Territory 930 South Dandalup Western Australia 931 South Esk Tasmania 932 South Para South Australia 933 South Pine Queensland 934 South West South Australia 935 Spero Tasmania 936 St George Victoria 937 Staaten Queensland 938 Stanley Queensland 939 Steavenson Victoria 940 Steere Western Australia 941 Stewart Queensland 942 Stewarts New South Wales 943 Stewarts Brook New South Wales 944 Stokes Victoria 945 Strike-a-Light New South Wales 946 Stuart Queensland 947 Stun Sail Boom South Australia 948 Sturt South Australia 949 Styx New South Wales 950 Styx Queensland 951 Styx Tasmania 952 Suggan Buggan Victoria 953 Summer Hill Creek New South Wales 954 Surrey Victoria 955 Susan Queensland 956 Suttor Queensland 957 Swampy Plain New South Wales 958 Swan Western Australia 959 Swan River (Tasmania) Tasmania 960 Tabulam Rivulet New South Wales 961 Taggerty Victoria 962 Talbragar New South Wales 963 Tallawudjah Creek New South Wales 964 Tallebudgera Creek Queensland 965 Tallowa Gully New South Wales 966 Tamar Tasmania 967 Tambo Victoria 968 Tanjil Victoria 969 Taponga Victoria 970 Tarago Victoria 971 Tarcutta Creek New South Wales 972 Tarlo New South Wales 973 Tarra Victoria 974 Tarrion Creek New South Wales 975 Tarwin Victoria 976 Tate Queensland 977 Taylors Arm New South Wales 978 Telegherry New South Wales 979 Terania Creek New South Wales 980 The Big Warrambool New South Wales 981 The Branch New South Wales 982 The Old Victoria 983 Thomas Western Australia 984 Thompsons Creek New South Wales 985 Thomson Queensland 986 Thomson Victoria 987 Thone New South Wales 988 Thredbo New South Wales 989 Thurra Victoria 990 Tia New South Wales 991 Tidal Victoria 992 Tilbuster Ponds New South Wales 993 Timbarra New South Wales 994 Timbarra Victoria 995 Tindarey Creek New South Wales 996 Tingalpa Creek Queensland 997 Tobins New South Wales 998 Tod South Australia 999 Todd River Northern Territory 1000 Tomaga New South Wales 1001 Tonalli New South Wales 1002 Tone Western Australia 1003 Tooloom Creek New South Wales 1004 Tooma New South Wales 1005 Tooms Tasmania 1006 Toorongo Victoria 1007 Torrens South Australia 1008 Towallum New South Wales 1009 Towamba New South Wales 1010 Towns River Northern Territory 1011 Trigalong Creek New South Wales 1012 Tuglow New South Wales 1013 Tully Queensland 1014 Tully Tasmania 1015 Tumut New South Wales 1016 Turner Western Australia 1017 Turners Creek New South Wales 1018 Turon New South Wales 1019 Tuross New South Wales 1020 Turton Victoria 1021 Tweed New South Wales 1022 Tyne Tasmania 1023 Tyres Victoria 1024 Undowah New South Wales 1025 Upsalls Creek New South Wales 1026 Urumbilum New South Wales 1027 Vale River (Tasmania) Tasmania 1028 Vasse Western Australia 1029 Victoria Victoria 1030 Victoria River Northern Territory 1031 Wadbilliga New South Wales 1032 Wah Way Creek New South Wales 1033 Wakefield South Australia 1034 Walcrow New South Wales 1035 Walker River Northern Territory 1036 Wallagaraugh New South Wales 1037 Wallagaraugh Victoria 1038 Wallamba New South Wales 1039 Wallingat New South Wales 1040 Walpole Western Australia 1041 Walsh Queensland 1042 Wando Victoria 1043 Wang Wauk New South Wales 1044 Wangat New South Wales 1045 Wanggoolba Creek Queensland 1046 Wannon Victoria 1047 Warbro Brook New South Wales 1048 Warburton South Australia 1049 Ward Queensland 1050 Ward Queensland 1051 Wards New South Wales 1052 Warialda Creek New South Wales 1053 Warnes New South Wales 1054 Warragamba New South Wales 1055 Warrego New South Wales 1056 Warrego Queensland 1057 Warrell Creek New South Wales 1058 Warren Western Australia 1059 Watagan Creek New South Wales 1060 Waterpark Creek Queensland 1061 Watson Queensland 1062 Watts Victoria 1063 Waychinicup Western Australia 1064 Wearyan River Northern Territory 1065 Webbs Creek New South Wales 1066 Weir Queensland 1067 Weld Tasmania 1068 Weld Western Australia 1069 Wellington Victoria 1070 Wenlock Queensland 1071 Wentworth Victoria 1072 Werong Creek New South Wales 1073 Werribee Victoria 1074 Werriberri Creek New South Wales 1075 West Alligator Northern Territory 1076 Western Queensland 1077 Western South Australia 1078 Wheeny Creek New South Wales 1079 Wheeo Creek New South Wales 1080 Whitbarrow Creek New South Wales 1081 White Rock New South Wales 1082 Wickham River Northern Territory 1083 Widden Brook New South Wales 1084 Wild Cattle Creek New South Wales 1085 Wildman River Northern Territory 1086 Williams New South Wales 1087 Williams Western Australia 1088 Williwa Creek New South Wales 1089 Willson South Australia 1090 Wilson New South Wales 1091 Wilson Western Australia 1092 Wilsons New South Wales 1093 Wilton River Northern Territory 1094 Wimmera Victoria 1095 Winburndale Rivulet New South Wales 1096 Wingan Victoria 1097 Wingecarribee New South Wales 1098 Woady Yaloak Victoria 1099 Wog Wog New South Wales 1100 Wolgan New South Wales 1101 Wollangambe New South Wales 1102 Wollemi Creek New South Wales 1103 Wollombi Brook New South Wales 1104 Wollomombi New South Wales 1105 Wollondilly New South Wales 1106 Wonboyn New South Wales 1107 Wongungarra Victoria 1108 Wonnangatta Victoria 1109 Wooli Wooli New South Wales 1110 Wooramel River Western Australia 1111 Worondi Rivulet New South Wales 1112 Woronora New South Wales 1113 Wye Tasmania 1114 Wye Victoria 1115 Wyong New South Wales 1116 Yadboro New South Wales 1117 Yalgar Western Australia 1118 Yalmy Victoria 1119 Yancowinna Creek New South Wales 1120 Yanda Creek New South Wales 1121 Yango Creek New South Wales 1122 Yankalilla South Australia 1123 Yappar Queensland 1124 Yarra Victoria 1125 Yarrabandai Creek New South Wales 1126 Yarramanbah Creek New South Wales 1127 Yarrangobilly New South Wales 1128 Yarrow New South Wales 1129 Yarrowee Victoria 1130 Yarrowitch New South Wales 1131 Yarrunga Creek New South Wales 1132 Yass New South Wales 1133 Yattagolinga South Australia 1134 Yea Victoria 1135 Yeerung Victoria 1136 Yolande Tasmania 1137 Young Western Australia 1138 Yowaka New South Wales 1139 Yowrie New South Wales 1140 Yule Western Australia 1141 1142 (also Araucania   37°35′45″S 72°50′23″W / 37.59582°S 72.83979°W    1143 (Araucania   37°35′25″S 72°51′09″W / 37.59017°S 72.85242°W    1144 Arroyo Maitenrehue, Estero Maitenrehue (Araucania   37°35′48″S 72°50′04″W / 37.59659°S 72.83443°W    1145 (Araucania   37°29′28″S 72°40′02″W / 37.49118°S 72.66716°W    1146   37°39′53″S 72°39′01″W / 37.6648°S 72.65033°W    1147   37°40′23″S 71°59′42″W / 37.67313°S 71.99511°W    1148 Rio Malleco, Río Malleco (Araucania   37°46′50″S 72°41′51″W / 37.7806°S 72.69741°W    1149 Rio Hueque, Rio Huequen, Río Hueque, Río Huequén (Araucania   37°47′13″S 72°41′01″W / 37.78694°S 72.68361°W    1150 (Araucania   38°23′52″S 71°14′32″W / 38.39776°S 71.24218°W    1151 (Araucania   37°47′59″S 72°42′18″W / 37.79975°S 72.70506°W    1152   37°34′49″S 72°30′11″W / 37.58039°S 72.50296°W    1153   37°43′13″S 72°15′37″W / 37.7202°S 72.26028°W    1154   37°34′01″S 72°29′29″W / 37.56685°S 72.49134°W    1155   36°42′30″S 72°58′30″W / 36.70833°S 72.975°W    1156 1157 Rio Lonquimai, Rio Lonquimay, Río Lonquimai, Río Lonquimay (Araucania   38°26′06″S 71°13′58″W / 38.43502°S 71.23282°W    1158 1159   36°58′25″S 72°19′47″W / 36.97359°S 72.32968°W    1160   37°10′02″S 73°11′01″W / 37.16728°S 73.18355°W    1161   37°14′34″S 73°06′27″W / 37.2428°S 73.10744°W    1162   37°20′37″S 72°53′49″W / 37.34354°S 72.89689°W    1163   37°21′16″S 71°14′25″W / 37.35458°S 71.24019°W    1164   37°23′00″S 73°05′00″W / 37.38333°S 73.08333°W    1165   37°23′03″S 72°58′30″W / 37.38427°S 72.97498°W    1166 Estero Cabrera, Rio Cabrera, Rio Cabrere, Río Cabrera, Río Cabrere   37°23′22″S 73°15′23″W / 37.38932°S 73.2564°W    1167   37°23′24″S 73°04′49″W / 37.39013°S 73.08036°W    1168   37°23′26″S 73°01′51″W / 37.39049°S 73.03086°W    1169   37°28′29″S 73°09′02″W / 37.47477°S 73.15059°W    1170   37°30′40″S 73°09′20″W / 37.51121°S 73.15567°W    1171   37°33′35″S 72°57′21″W / 37.55962°S 72.95586°W    1172   37°37′16″S 72°48′38″W / 37.62116°S 72.81054°W    1173   37°38′15″S 72°38′44″W / 37.63737°S 72.64565°W    1174   37°43′00″S 71°17′00″W / 37.71667°S 71.28333°W    1175 Rio Caicupil, Rio Cayucupil, Río Caicupil, Río Cayucupil   37°49′22″S 73°21′17″W / 37.82274°S 73.35486°W    1176   38°07′21″S 71°24′52″W / 38.12237°S 71.41437°W    1177 (also Araucania   38°20′35″S 73°30′03″W / 38.34303°S 73.50092°W    1178   36°01′59″S 72°46′32″W / 36.03314°S 72.77554°W    1179 Estero Buchupureo, Rio Buchupureo, Río Buchupureo   36°04′43″S 72°47′49″W / 36.0785°S 72.79686°W    1180   36°08′35″S 72°30′07″W / 36.14303°S 72.50188°W    1181   36°08′36″S 72°48′15″W / 36.14337°S 72.80408°W    1182   36°09′57″S 72°48′25″W / 36.16586°S 72.80707°W   

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