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This contains list of 39 Domesticated Animals.

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SNo,Species and subspecies,Wild ancestor,Date,Location of origin,Purpose,Degree and type of domestication,Extent in wild vs captivity1,Dog (Canis lupus familiaris),Gray wolf (Canis lupus),"between 30,000 BC and 15,000 BC",Eurasia,"Pets, shepherding, working, meat, show, hunting, draft, research, religion, racing, transportation, rescuing, guiding, servicing, herding, guarding, pest control",tame; significant physical and behavioral changes,"Very common in captivity, wild relatives are much less common, though not rare. Feral dogs abundant"2,Sheep (Ovis aries),Mouflon (Ovis orientalis),"between 11,000 BC and 9000 BC",Southwest Asia(Iran),"fibre, meat, milk, leather, pelt, vellum, pets, show, racing, religion, research, guarding, fighting, ornamental",Some physical changes,"Common in captivity, threatened in the wild"3,Domestic pig (Sus scrofa domesticus),Wild boar (Sus scrofa),9000 BC,"Near East, China","meat, leather, religion, research, show, racing, fighting, working, pets",Some physical changes,Common in the wild. Much more common in captivity. Feral animals common in some areas.4,Domestic goat (Capra aegagrus hircus),Wild goat (Capra aegagrus),8000 BC,Iran,"milk, meat, fibre, working, skin, hair, show, racing, religion, fighting, cleaning, pets",Slight physical changes,"Common in captivity, threatened in wild, feral goats common"5,Cattle (Bos primigenius taurus),Aurochs (Bos primigenius) (extinct),8000 BC,"Europe, Asia and North Africa","meat, milk, leather, hides, working, plowing, draft, vellum, blood, transportation, soil fertilization, fighting, show, pets, religion",Some physical changes,"Very common in captivity, wild relatives extinct, feral cattle fairly common"6,Zebu (Bos primigenius indicus),Aurochs (Bos primigenius) (extinct),8000 BC,India,"meat, milk, leather, hides, working, plowing, draft, vellum, blood, transportation, soil fertilization, fighting, show, racing, religion",Considerable physical changes,"Wild relatives extinct, rare in captivity"7,Cat (Felis silvestris catus),African wildcat (Felis silvestris lybica),8000 - 7500 BC,Near East,"pets, pest control, religion, show, pelt, research","Tame, some physical changes","Very abundant in captivity, true wildcats less abundant though not rare. Feral populations very common."8,Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus),Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus),6000 BC,India and Southeast Asia,"meat, eggs, feathers, leather, religion, show, racing, ornamental, fighting, pets",Some physical changes,Very common in captivity and the wild9,Guinea pig (Cavia porcellus),Montane Guinea Pig (Cavia tschudii),5000 BC,Peru,"pets, meat, religion, show, racing, research","Tame, slight physical changes",Somewhat common in captivity and the wild10,Donkey (Equus africanus asinus),African wild ass (Equus africanus),5000 BC,Egypt,"transportation, working, plowing, draft, mount, meat, milk, pets, racing, guarding",Slight physical changes,"Somewhat common in captivity and as feral animals, wild animals critically endangered,"11,Domesticated duck (Anas platyrhynchos domesticus),Mallard duck (Anas platyrhnchos),4000 BC,China,"meat, fat, foie gras, feathers and down, blood, eggs, pets, show, racing, ornamental",Considerable physical changes,"Common in captivity, but more abundant in the wild"12,Water buffalo (Bubalus bubalis),Wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee),4000 BC,"India, China","working, plowing, draft, mount, fighting, meat, religion, show, racing, milk",Mainly unchanged from wild animal,"Somewhat rare in captivity, endangered in the wild"13,Horse (Equus ferus caballus),Wild horse (Equus ferus),4000 BC,Eurasian Steppes,"transportation, meat working, guiding, servicing, hunting, execution, plowing, draft, mount, fighting, show, weddings, racing, religion, milk, pets","Tame, some physical changes mainly in coloration","Common in captivity, very rare in wild, feral populations common"14,Domesticated Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius),Wild Dromedary Camel (Camelus dromedarius),4000 BC,Arabia,"transportation, working, hunting, plowing, draft, mount, show, weddings, racing, religion, fighting, milk, meat","Tame, few physical changes","Moderately common in captivity, small feral population in original range, significant feral population in Australia, true wild dromedaries may be extinct"15,Domesticated Silkmoth (Bombyx mori),Wild Silkmoth (Bombyx mandarina),3000 BC,China,"silk, food, pets, meat","Tame/held captive, some physical changes","Fairly common in captivity, wild extent unclear"16,Domestic Pigeon (Columba livia domestica),Rock Pigeon (Columba livia),3000 BC,Mediterranean Basin,"show, weddings, messenger, meat, racing, pets","Artificially selected into many varieties, including meat breeds, racing/messenger breeds, and fancy plumage breeds","Relatively common in captivity, very common in the wild, feral pigeons extremely abundant"17,Domestic goose (Anser anser domesticus),Greylag Goose (Anser anser),3000 BC,Egypt,"meat, fat, foie gras, feathers and down, eggs, show, guarding, pets",Considerable physical changes,Common in captivity and the wild18,Yak (Bos grunniens),Wild Yak (Bos mutus),2500 BC,Tibet,"milk, transportation, working, plowing, mount, racing, fighting, meat, fibre","Tame, slight physical changes",19,Domesticated Bactrian Camel (Camelus bactrianus),Wild Bactrian Camel (Camelus ferus),2500 BC,Central Asia,"milk, transportation, working, hunting, plowing, draft, mount, fighting, show, weddings, racing, religion, meat, hair","Tame, few physical changes","Moderately common in captivity, critically endangered in the wild"20,Llama (Lama glama),Guanaco (Lama guanicoe),2400 BC,Peru,"transportation, working, draft, mount, meat, religion, show, weddings, racing, pets, guarding",Slight physical changes,Fairly common in captivity and the wild21,Alpaca (Vicugna pacos),Vicua (Vicugna vicugna),2400 BC,Peru,"milk, transportation, fibre, meat, religion, show, pets, guarding",Considerable physical changes,Fairly common in captivity and the wild22,Domesticated guineafowl (Numida meleagris),Helmeted Guineafowl (Numida melegris),2400 BC,Africa,"meat, eggs, pest control, show, alarming, pets",Mainly unaltered from wild population,Somewhat common in captivity and in the wild23,Ferret (Mustela putorius furo),European polecat (Mustela putorius),1500 BC,Europe,"pets, hunting, pest control, show, racing","Tame, slight physical changes","Common in captivity, somewhat common in the wild. Feral ferrets rare"24,Fancy mouse,House mouse (Mus musculus),1100 BC,China,"pets, research, racing, food","Tame, significant physical changes",Common in captivity and in the wild25,Ringneck dove (Streptopelia risoria),African Collared Dove (streptopelia roseogrisea),500 BC,North Africa,"show, pets",Slight physical changes,Common in captivity and the wild26,Bali cattle (Bos javanicus domestica),Banteng (Bos javanicus),Date uncertain,"Southeast Asia, Java","meat, milk, show, racing, working, plowing, draft",Slight physical changes,"Common in captivity, endangered in the wild"27,Gayal (Bos frontalis),Gaur (Bos gaurus),Date uncertain,Southeast Asia,"meat, religion",Slight physical changes,"Somewhat common in captivity, threatened in the wild"28,Domesticated turkey (Meleagris gallopavo),Wild Turkey (Meleagris gallopavo),180,"Mexico, United States","meat, feathers, eggs, show, pets",Considerable physical changes,Common in captivity and wild29,Goldfish (Carassius auratus auratus),Prussian carp (Carassius gibelio),300400,China,"pets, show, racing, ornamental","Tame/held captive, significant physical changes","Very common and abundant in captivity, wild extent is unclear"30,Domestic rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus),European Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus),600,Europe,"meat, pelt, fibre, pets, show, racing, research","Tame, significant physical changes","Common in captivity, rare in native habitat, common in introduced range"31,Domestic Canary (Serinus canaria domestica),Atlantic Canary (Serinus canaria),15th century,"Canary Islands, Europe","pets, research, show, mining, fighting",Slight physical changes,Common in captivity and wild32,Carabao (Bubalus bubalis carabenesis),Wild water buffalo (Bubalus arnee),17th century,Philippines,"working, plowing, draft, mount, fighting, meat, milk, show, racing",Few changes from wild population,"Fairly common in captivity, endangered in the wild"33,Siamese fighting fish (Betta splendens),Date uncertain species of the genus Betta,19th century,Thailand,"fighting, pets","Tame/held captive, very significant physical and slight behavioral changes",34,Fancy rat and Lab rat,Brown rat (Rattus norvegicus),19th century,UK,"pets, research, show","Tame, some physical and psychological changes",Common in captivity and in the wild35,Koi (Cyprinus carpio haematopterus),Common carp (Cyprinus carpio),1820s,Japan,"ornamental, show, pets","Tame/held captive, considerable physical changes","Fairly common in captivity, threatened in the wild"36,Domesticated silver fox (Vulpes vulpes),Red fox (Vulpes vulpes),1950s,"Soviet Union, Russia","pelt, research, pets","Tame, some physical changes","Very small domestic population, wild relatives fairly common"37,Domesticated hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris),Four-toed Hedgehog (Atelerix albiventris),1980s,Central and Eastern Africa,pets,Slight physical changes,Common in the wild. Rare in captivity38,Society Finch (Lonchura striata domestica),White-rumped Munia (Lonchura striata),date uncertain,Japan,"pets, research",Slight physical changes,Fairly common in captivity and the wild39,Guppy (Poecilia reticulata some strains),Guppy (Poecilia reticulata),Date uncertain,"Barbados, Brazil, Guyana",pets,"Held/tame in captivity, significant physical changes",Common in captivity,,,,,,,For other more formats kindly visit,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Original source :,,,,,,,