Korea Republic of(KR)


Download List Of Endangered Animals In South Korea

In South Korea there are 63 mammals, 390 birds, 16 reptiles and 10 amphibians which are endangered.


Download List Of Township In South Korea

South Korea is divided into 8 provinces, 1 special autonomous province, 6 metropolitan cities and 1 special city.
These are further subdivided into a variety of smaller entities, including cities, counties, districts, towns, townships, neighborhoods and villages.


Download List Of Special Cities Of South Korea

South Korea is divided into 8 provinces, 1 special autonomous province, 6 metropolitan cities and 1 special city.
These are further subdivided into a variety of smaller entities, including cities, counties, districts, towns, townships, neighborhoods and villages.


Download List Of Towns In South Korea

South Korea is divided into 8 provinces, 1 special autonomous province, 6 metropolitan cities and 1 special city.
These are further subdivided into a variety of smaller entities, including cities, counties, districts, towns, townships, neighborhoods and villages.


Download Excel File List of Prime Ministers of South Korea

The following is a list of the prime ministers of South Korea from the First Republic to the Sixth Republic. The first column consecutively numbers the individuals who have served as Prime Minister, while the second column consecutively numbers the Prime Ministerial terms or administrations.

Download Excel File List of Presidents of South Korea

This is a list of Presidents of South Korea by time in office. The basis of the list is the difference between dates; if counted by number of calendar days all the figures would be one greater.


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