Download Excel List of Federal Holidays of United States of America


In the United States, a federal holiday is an authorized holiday which has been recognized by the US government.

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Date,Official Name,DetailsJanuary 1 (Fixed),New Year's Day,"Celebrates beginning of the Gregorian calendar year. Festivities include counting down to 12:00 midnight on the preceding night, New Year's Eve, often with fireworks display and party. The ball drop at Times Square in New York City has become a national New Year's festivity. Traditional end of Christmas and holiday season."January 15-21 (Floating Monday),"Birthday of Martin Luther King, Jr.","Honors Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., civil rights leader, who was actually born on January 15, 1929; "February 15-21 (Floating Monday),Washington's Birthday,Washington's Birthday was first declared a federal holiday by an 1879 act of Congress. May 25-31 (Floating Monday),Memorial Day,"Honors the nation's war dead from the Civil War onwards; marks the unofficial beginning of the summer season(traditionally May 30, shifted by the Uniform Holidays Act 1968). The holiday is observed on the last Monday in May."July 4 (Fixed),Independence Day,"Celebrates the signing of the Declaration of Independence from British rule, also called the Fourth of July. Fireworks celebrations are held in many cities throughout the nation."September 1-7 (Floating Monday),Labor Day,One 2012 survey of American adults found that 52% celebrate Labor Day as the unofficial end of summer.October 8-14 (Floating Monday),Columbus Day,"Honors Christopher Columbus, an explorer of the Americas. In some areas ."November 11 (Fixed),Veterans Day,Honors all veterans of the United States armed forces.November 22-28 (Floating Thursday),Thanksgiving Day,Traditionally celebrates the giving of thanks for the autumn harvest. December 25 (Fixed),Christmas Day,"The most widely celebrated holiday of the Christian year, Christmas is observed as a commemoration of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. ",,,,